(Day 6) 15th March - The Attributes

 Richard Diviney, a Navy SEAL Commander who was involved in the SEAL selection process studied core attributes through observation research. The traits in which a person performs in a team and individually which can be used in personal and professional lives. The book 'The Attributes' focuses on hidden drivers for optimal performance.

The Attributes focus on attributes within to achieve optimal performance under stress. Referring to the pandemic (2020) as everyones own involuntary SEAL training, people were put to the test and training. 'Check your engines' is saying used by Diviney to understand ones unique capabilities, what makes us up and our own attributes. In the short clip above Diviney mentions a 2 minute rule and the importance of laughter. The two minute rule relates to when something good or bad happens, you have two mins to wallow, celebrate process and then get back to it. Laughing creates a chemical response, it masks pain and creates bonds. It can bring you back in painful times and help remind you of the joys. 

"Attributes are wired into out internal circuitry, always running in the background, dictating how we behave and react and perform".

The Attributes website, https://theattributes.com , involves an assessment tool with three quizzes which focused on four attributes in each quiz. 

Grit Assessment

Attributes: Courage, Perseverance, Adaptability and Resilience. 

From my responses I did not have a favoured or least favoured attribute. I scored medium for all 4 attributes. 

Mental Acuity Assessment

Attributes: Situational Awareness, Compartmentalisation, Task Switching and Learnability. 

Again, I didn't have a favoured or least favoured attribute and I scored medium for all but Situational Awareness (low). 

After reading the definition of Situational Awareness, I do believe I could work on becoming more aware. Day to day, I tend to walk around with music in my own head which may delay any process of information. However, I do feel comfortable in most situations, even new ones. 

Drive Assessment

Attributes: Self-efficacy, Discipline, Open-mindedness, Cunning and Narcissism.

Within these five attributes, I favoured narcissism which I scored high for. I scored low for open-mindedness which did surprise me as I do feel like I am open-minded but maybe in a life / personal context, not work. 

I found these results quite insightful, as I have never identified as a narcissist. I believe there is often negative associations with narcissism. However, a healthy narcissist can be manageable and it needs to remain in check. I don't believe I fall on the NPD spectrum. Healthline state '9 official criteria for NPD' sourced by Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 

1. Grandiose sense of self-importance

2. Pre-occupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty or ideal love

3. Belief they're special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions 

4. Need for excessive admiration 

5. Sense of entitlement

6. Interpersonally exploitative behaviour 

7. Lack of empathy 

8. Envy of others or a belief that others are envious of them

9. Demonstration of arrogant and haughty behaviours at attitudes

Some of these I relate to stronger than others, I definitely don't resonate with arrogance or believing I am better than others as I don't. 

Cunha, J (2020) reports 8 traits of a narcissist 

1. Grandiosity

2. Excessive need for admiration

3. Superficial and exploitative relationships

4. Lack of empathy 

5. Identity disturbance 

6. Difficulty with attachment and dependency 

7. Chronic feelings of emptiness and boredom

8. Vulnerability to life transitions

After reflecting and speaking to a friend, I recognise that I scratch the surface on narcism and it depends on my mood and situation. We touched on the concept of empathy, it was interesting to get another close friends perspective on this:

Whilst this was just a quick, informal conversation it was interesting to see her view. However, I know I am impatient which definitely will need work on to help with my empathy. It is important to note this friend does not know me professionally or academically, therefore this may influence her opinion as I support her personally. 


The Attributes: https://theattributes.com [Accessed March 2021]

Cunha, J (2020) What Are the Nine Traits of a Narcissist? Available at: https://www.emedicinehealth.com/what_are_the_nine_traits_of_a_narcissist/article_em.htm [Accessed March 2021]

Kassel, G (2019) 11 Signs You're Dating a Narcissist - and How to Get Out. Available at: https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/am-i-dating-a-narcissist [Accessed March 2021]


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