(Day 21) 19th April - Productivity Style in the Team

Today, Hannah sent in a mini quiz on Harvard Business Review (HBR) - What's Your Personal Productivity Style? (https://hbr.org/2015/01/assessment-whats-your-personal-productivity-style?utm_medium=email&utm_source=tgr_newregistrants&utm_campaign=subscribetohbr_gbb&utm_content=engagment5_suboffer_t4&utm_term=touch4&deliveryName=DM128386#). 

It was an interesting group activity. Tanisha and I both got the planner results. 

You are a PLANNER.

Planners prefer organized, sequential, and detailed thinking. They create to-do lists, set aside time for tasks, and prepare thorough and accurate project plans. They don’t waste time on anything unproductive or unimportant. They comply with laws, policies, regulations, and quality and safety criteria, and they frequently complete work ahead of deadline.

Productivity tools that appeal to Planners include: 

  • project management apps like Tom’s Planner and digital lists like OmniFocus, which let them track work by project, place, person, or date 
  • Agendas, an iPad app for creating and sharing interactive agendas
  • label makers, file folders, filing cabinets, drawer organizers, and pen holders

Anahita and Hannah are both PRIORITISERS

After reading this, I do relate to both. However, I did answer the questions in a more generalised context rather than group / uni work based. Hannah said she was surprised, she feels like maybe in life I am a planner and projects a prioritiser. It then came to light, Tanisha too has OCD and also excessively plans. Hannah made an interesting point saying "I imagine feeling lost in this project was quite difficult for you in that respect?". I felt like this was a really good observation, Tanisha said "Yes. In the beginning I felt all over the place. That made me feel so demotivated". 

Hannah then said "Now that makes sense. Where as I hate getting things wrong and as an only child I'm so used to doing everything myself - I literally do not use the word no lol". This was interesting, as I wrote about on Day 17, my Dad spoke about how childhood experiences can shape who you are as a team member. We spoke about this further as I shared my insights. Tanisha said "You do have a dominant nature like an alpha female. But honestly I kinda started to like that about you". 

Well, I LOVED this. An alpha female is strong, knows what they want and where they are going and well that is me. 


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