(Day 10) 23rd March - Peer Feedback

 Before the groups and topic were changed, we did a peer assessment of the first initial group members. 

I found this feedback really interesting. It was interesting this was someones perception of me, this is their first time working with me. I didn't know what imposter syndrome was, therefore I googled it for clarification. Wikipedia simple definition says that imposter syndrome "is a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their skills, talents or accomplishments and has a persistent internalised fear of being exposed as a "fraud"."

I see this from two viewpoints. I know where this peer is coming from, however, this is because I know myself and abilities. I have been saying to the group 'sorry for being rubbish or distant' or noting that I haven't been as motivated. This is because I know my capabilities and I haven't been given my full effort, however this peer views my efforts thus far as my full potential. Therefore, when I say sorry she might think I am doubting my skills, when really truly it's because I know my skills. However, maybe I have my standards too high the tasks so far as it is the beginning, however I think imposter syndrome is a over statement. 

It is apparent that there may be concerns about multitasking, however I feel like I am over my 'blip' and feeling reassured within the module. Now that the topic is set and I can showcase my skills and knowledge, my 'burn out' will not be a concern. I know myself quite well, my personal life (as most) has a ripple effect. As mentioned in my previous post, I will be motivating and starting my day right. I have no concerns for my organisational skills and I have faith I will complete any task at a high quality. 

In four weeks time we are to peer review again, as this is the same group (bar one), it will be interesting to see the feedback. When reading the last two I was thinking, wait do I have imposter syndrome? All this positive feedback? But, relating it back to me used to being a leader or having high standards could reflect this. This is also a new group and people may off felt like uncomfortable or unsure.


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