(Day 16) 3rd April - Women in Work and Leadership and PMS // Part 2

There is an argument if women should be allowed 'period leave'. I think this is relevant because your menstrual cycle can have a huge influence on your emotional intelligence, which then impacts your intrapersonal and interpersonal skills. Period leave is a legal entitlement in some countries mainly in the Asia continent. In the article, 'Should Women be Entitled to Menstrual Leave?' by Batar, S and Jain, V (2020), highlights the controversy around the topic as some argue this is progressive and others believe it is regressive. However, it does 'acknowledge that women are biologically different from men, and require affirmative action to accommodate a practical need during menstruation'. Although Asian countries and cultures may differ from Western cultures and the UK, the reasons women may not chose to take days off are 'complex and culturally diverse'. Batar, S and Jain, V (2020) state that in Japan, menstrual leave is unpaid which means not all can afford to do this.  Some also feel like is a 'gender-specific display of weakness'. 

I do believe it is a shame that from years worth of international stigma, some believe it is a display of weakness. It would be untrue for me to say I disagree, as in a male dominated environment, when people may struggle to empathise with you, it can feel weak. I definitely felt weak when crying in the office. From the 26th, my PMS began and I decided to focus on my feelings throughout the week. Today, is a Saturday. I came on my period. On Thursday this week, I actually got sent home due to my period as I felt physically ill, not just emotional. From my own personal experiences, I know how draining a period can be. After I had reflected on my emotional experience at work, I wanted to be honest with my manager whom is a male. Why should I feel embarrassed? I needed to go home and rest. When I spoke to my manager I was honest I told him that I was coming on my period I felt really unwell (if I'm honest I may of said crap!). Whilst he was understanding I could tell he also felt awkward, but I refuse to allow it to make me feel awkward. As part one in this theme, emotion at work is hard to experience in a culture built by men, and well isn't that evident. No discouragement to my manager as he allowed me to go home I said sorry that I felt unwell. However, it led me to think of all those in a position that feel uncomfortable or weak to talk to them leader or manager about their period. I made me think of those with a male manager, whilst this is a generalise statement it is easier for women to empathise with other women as men do not get periods. However, each women experience their own menstrual cycles, some are less impacted daily than others. 

Although I may be biased, I do believe women make powerful leaders. Although it is becoming more common, typically a male is seen in a managerial leadership position. I have decided to focus on women in leadership and entrepreneurship for my case study, which is part B of the module. I want to approach this as why women make powerful leaders, why aren't their more women in leadership positions and how can women change a male built culture or build their own. It remains broad at this time but after discussing with my tutor I am excited to see where I go with my case study. 


Batar, S and Jain, V (2020) Should Women be Entitled to Menstrual Leave? Available at: https://advance.lexis.com/document/?pdmfid=1519360&crid=39885346-5ac8-495a-b44d-cd16a81b4a52&pddocfullpath=%2Fshared%2Fdocument%2Fnews%2Furn%3AcontentItem%3A626H-DXS1-JB5M-W07G-00000-00&pdcontentcomponentid=365197&pdteaserkey=sr1&pditab=allpods&ecomp=7zgnk&earg=sr1&prid=574ba61c-1a01-45fb-a5cd-4d548a00d034 [Accessed April 2021]


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