(Day 20) 14th April - Managing a Workload

Although, I do manage my workload / life well, which is said by my group too. I do feel like there is room for improvement. I have felt like the group work for the brief has taken up most of my time. As I am the only one working at this time, the group are able to work on the live brief and individual submissions throughout the day. Then because it's the only time I can meet, I come home from work and have a group meet / catch up, do what is needed by me and I am done for the day. Because this group work is more demanding, I am also taking on more work, I have started to feel the most stress I have felt in the duration of my masters. This is also due to work, life balance and learning to drive again. 

One of my favourite lifestyle influencers, Grace Beverly, has published a book called 'working hard hardly working' which is her guide on 'how to achieve more, stress less and feel fulfilled'. I brought this book via Amazon which I will begin to read to help me understand how she managers her own stresses as a very successful entrepreneur and Oxford graduate. Grace's book was listed number one in The Times best sellers. 

Link - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Working-Hard-Hardly-achieve-fulfilled/dp/178633285X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1ILCEX32TZPXG&dchild=1&keywords=grace+beverly+working+hard&qid=1619863533&sprefix=grace+be%2Caps%2C161&sr=8-1

One thing I feel like I have been slacking on which is properly why I feel more stressed. I have been slacking using my organiser. I have a self / friends / family diagnosis of OCD and I plan my LIFE. I go to bed writing a to-do or plan for the next day. My brain feels messy and scattered when I don't clear it with a plan or to-do list. 

I have not divided my uni work into sections, by just putting uni work I get to the to-do and I feel lost. Although, yes I am writing I'm stressed and not AS organised, this is also by my standards. As an OCD, it feels WAY more intense and stressful than the usual person. I still remain consistent, punctual and involved within group work. Another stress coping mechanism for me is reading, I love a good book. I usually go for mindfulness, health or lifestyle books. Therefore 'How to Manage' feels like an assignment, but 'working hard hardly working' will be a recreational read. 


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