(Day 15) 29th March - Team Update and Ambivert Benefits
Each group session it becomes increasingly more evident that Hannah and I are comfortable leaders, stepping up when it is needed and remaining efficient. After reflecting on women in leadership, it encouraged me to think as myself as a design manager. I do want to ensure everyone on the team is comfortable and open, however this is also down to the people who you are leading. We caught up on work, checking we had done the assigned tasks, we were a member down but continue to progress. Each session a lot of progress is made with ideas bouncing, which was the same for now. We had more of a sense of direction and what needed to be completed before the next meet with the experts on 1st April. We delegated the tasks and subjects, created a template to follow and with Hannah and I taking on the larger and more work load. Hannah and I have increasingly ensured to ask all is clear and that everyone is one the same ...